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INITIAL IDEAS: concepts and sketches

Updated: Nov 28, 2019

From the start our initial idea was to create a handheld "partner", this means creating an artificial visual conception of a person. With this idea we had to think of how we would show this:

1- the idea of using a hologram to present the/your "partner", it has a sci-fi element that draws people in ,which is essential .However the realistic possibility of this being created in our current time frame seems far-fetched.

2- the idea of having your "partner" on your phone (app) this is simple and doable but it seems unoriginal.

3- an alternative idea is creating headphones/earphones catered to presenting the voice of a partner. We started with the idea of something visual but then consider the idea of audio.

Final Decision

We believe that we set out to create a visually appealing product that can help people. With this in mind, we decided on combining both the hologram and the app. Why? Because the hologram brings the appealing fantasy and the app allows for another level of development in customising a character.

Brand Name

As a group we had multiply ideas when it came to the brand name. We wanted the name to be relevant to the product we was going to create ,whilst also being simple ,however unique. At first we was going to decide on a Chinese word which is pronounced as "ho-do-kana"

this word links to loneliness which also connects to our brand/product as we want to create a "person" who can help someone who is lonely. However even though it linked to our product it was unrealistic and complicated to pronounce and it could also stop people from buying the product as they might not understand the concept behind it fully. Then we decided to do some research on words that were relevant to our brand whilst also being simple however unique, we ended up choosing Kalopsia.

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